This blog has moved to a new space: www.maneuveringlifewithstyle.com. Please make a note as this current Blogger platform will no longer be used moving forward. Or you can easily find the blog by visiting my Web site: www.thewinestylings.com, where two blogs are hosted.
In this blog, I will explore a slew of topics all related to trying to successfully and stylishly maneuver life in NYC -- all with the goal of encouraging readers and followers to make a concerted effort to enjoy life, whatever it throws your way, and "Maneuver Life With Style." There have been several ups and downs (and I mean SEVERAL) over the last two years and there will continue to be those highs and lows on a regular basis. New York City can be your best friend one minute and your worst nightmare the next minute. This blog will document those times, in addition to closing out the three-story series that chronicles my prep to move to NYC, the first year of living in NYC and finally the second and current year of living in NYC.
There are several styling and restyling efforts going on with my company, Web site and the two blogs -- the lifestyle blog and my new wine blog, so please stay turned. The new content will launch this summer.
Thanks so much for following this blog from the very beginning. I realize that I have been out of touch with a lot of you. But that will change very soon.
In the meantime, please follow me on Twitter (thewinestylings) and on Facebook (The Life Stylings of Charles Springfield) for updates, info and other content.
Drink Up Life, As Much As Possible!
- Charles D. Springfield
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